Please note: Apart from individual reservations you can also setup multiple and recurring reservations. These 3 types of reservations are fundamentally different from the so called “lock”. You can find additional information about the lock here.
How can I, as a tennis facility:
1. How can I, as a tennis facility, create an individual reservation?
- In the admin section of your facility move the mouse pointer to the field “Reservations” in the main menu and choose the option „Reservation table“
- After you have clicked on „Reservations“ in the upper right corner a dialog box will appear, where you can make your reservation. Next enter the name of the reservation in the field “Short description” that will be shown in the reservation table, where all players can set it. It’s recommended that you name the player(s), who will claim the reservation you have made. If you add the player names to the reservation under “Players (optional)”, it will be listed in the associated player accounts.
- To complete the reservation click on „ Make the reservation“.
2. How can I, as a tennis facility, cancel an individual reservation?
Please note: You can cancel a reservation in the „reservation table”(I) but also using the “reservation list” (II). The advantage of the reservation table is that the reservations are represented visually in it and can be moved and edited using the drag & drop method. On the other hand the reservation list allows you to search through all reservations of a specific player in the time frame you define. That can make the search for the reservation that needs to be cancelled much easier.
(I) Deleting the reservation via Reservation table:
- in the admin section of your facility move the mouse pointer to the field “Reservations” in the main menu and choose the option „Reservation schedule“.
- Click on the reservation that needs to be cancelled and then on the recycle bin symbol in the upper right corner of the dialog box that will open.
- Click on „Cancel reservation“ to confirm. If you are cancelling a recurring reservation, you will be prompted to choose between cancelling only the one reservation or the whole series.
(II) Deleting the reservation via Reservation list:
- in the admin section of your facility move the mouse pointer to the field “Reservations” in the main menu and choose the option “Reservation list”
- In the upper right corner you can search for reservations of a specific player, category, court, etc. Enter the desired time frame and click on "Show".
- The reservation that needs to be cancelled should be contained in the shown list, where you can delete it by clicking on the recycle bin symbol in the matching row. After that you should confirm the deletion in the dialog box that will appear.
Please note: Reservations that lie in the past will not have the recycle bin symbol in the reservation list – if you click on such reservation in the reservation list, it will open in the reservation table, where you can cancel or edit it.
3. How can I, as a tennis facility, edit reservations?
Please note: You can edit a reservation in the „reservation table”(I) but also using the “reservation list” (II). The advantage of the reservation table is that the reservations are represented visually in it and can be moved and edited using the drag & drop method. On the other hand the reservation list allows you to search through all reservations of a specific player in the time frame you define. That can make the search for the reservation that needs to be edited much easier.
- In the admin section of your facility move the mouse pointer to the field “Reservations” in the main menu and choose the option (I)"Reservation table": In the upper right corner you can choose the date of the reservation, as long as the date is not predefined. (II) "Reservation list": If the reservation that needs to be edited is not already shown, you can search for it by entering the search term in the upper right corner, after which you should define the desired time frame and click on “Show”. Then choose the edit symbol in the appropriate row and the desired reservation will open in the reservation table.
- By one click on the reservation the background turns yellow. Now you can edit the reservation by clicking the edit symbol in the upper right corner of the opened dialog box. If you would just like to edit the date of the reservation, this can be easily done using the drag & drop method. To do that just click on the yellow marked reservation without releasing the mouse button, drag it to a free table cell (green marked) and then release the mouse button.
- In the dialog box that will open you can make the desired changes or – in case you have used drag & drop - check the properties of the moved reservation. The changes need to be confirmed by clicking on “Make a reservation”.
Please note: If the desired reservation collides with an already existing one an error message will pop up.
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