General Questions
- What should I keep in mind before going live with my tennis facility?
- First steps with GotCourts
- What are the benefits for my tennis facility?
- How do I link my courts to the GotCourts platform?
- What is GotCourts?
- How much does GotCourts for one tennis facility cost?
- What steps do I need to take as a tennis facility to be able to use GotCourts?
- What infrastructure is required on-site so that GotCourts can be used at a facility?
- How do I install a tablet as a reservation station at my facility?
- How do I install a PC/laptop as a reservation station at my facility?
- How do I install a TV-Screen as a display at my facility?
- My tennis facility doesn’t have an internet access – can I still install an on-site reservation station?
Configure courts, set advanced settings and booking permissions
- How can I allow spontaneous on-site reservations (independent from the reservations contingent)
- How can I, as a private tennis club, enable reservations of my courts for non-members?
- How can I add and configure a court?
- All information about individual reservations
- Where can I allow/disallow time frame for bookings for particular player categories?
- How can I remove a court?
Players & Administration of Members
- How can I delete a user account?
- How can I block players ("blacklist")?
- How can I reset a user’s password?
- What are user categories?
- How can I answer a membership request?
- How can I search or add new players?
Payment System & Prices
- New payment method - GC Wallet
- How can I set prices for my courts?
- How can I set the same price for each court, day and daytime?
- How can I set daytime-specific prices?
- How can I set court-specific prices?
- Court subscriptions